食品,百貨茶,草藥烏龍茶-The Tao of Tea, 烏龍茶,黑龍,3.5盎司(100克)
或許大家都聽過The Tao of Tea, 烏龍茶,黑龍,3.5盎司(100克),但印象中The Tao of Tea, 烏龍茶,黑龍,3.5盎司(100克)平時是不打折的,但是今天告訴你買The Tao of Tea, 烏龍茶,黑龍,3.5盎司(100克)到這裡買,可以使用折價券買The Tao of Tea, 烏龍茶,黑龍,3.5盎司(100克),而且宅配到府完全不用搬The Tao of Tea, 烏龍茶,黑龍,3.5盎司(100克),真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!

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Anxi, Fujian, China
Black Dragon oolong is grown in the mountains of Anxi county, the home of oolong tea in China. There are several oolong tea 髮旺旺plant varietals (as least 12) growing in Anxi, each with its own distinct flavor profile. The most famous of these varietals is Tieguanyin. Grown primarily near Raoyang village in Anxi. It has strong, heavy branches and brightly colored, distinct, elipse shaped leaves.
Oolongs range in their flavor (mild and floral to strong and toasty) and color spectrum (from light green to dark) depending on the processing technique adopted. Black Dragon is a darker oolong with high oxidization.
Traditional Rolling
Once suitable suppleness is achieved in the leaves rolling techniques (which include wrapping the leaves in cloth and binding it tightly into ball shape) are applied with light roastings.
Successive 髮旺旺re-rolling and re-roasting are done to achieve the optimum shape and flavor. A final roast is given to complete the processing.
Flavor Profile
Smooth, gold髮旺旺en infusion with grassy, toasty and light floral notes.
The Tao of Tea
Like the Tao, the art of tea is universal. We began our work with tea in 1997 to be a connecting thread for tea culture. Practicing the art on a daily basis in our teahouses in Portland, Oregon, we are a group of tea enthusiasts from different backgrounds and cultures. We travel, learn, take delight and seek to offer pure leaf teas with great flavor, artistry and soul. Our reward comes through actions that help people's lives, sustain the art of tea and promise a healthy environment.
The Tao of Tea, 烏龍茶,黑龍,3.5盎司(100克)
