
運動肌肉配方-Muscletech, Performance Series, Phase8, Multi-Phase 8-Hour Protein, Cookies and Cream, 4.60 lbs (2.09 kg)

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  • All New
  • PerformanceSeries
  • New
  • America's #1 Selling Bodybuilding Supplement Brand?
  • Provides High Biological Value and Sustained Release Protein
  • 8 Hours of Amino Acid Delivery1
  • Increases Muscle Size and Strength
  • 26 g Protein
  • 7 Protein Sources
  • 5 g Glutamine
  • 5.6 g BCAAs
  • Natural and Artificial Flavors
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Made in the USA From Domestic & International Ingredients
  • #1 Most Award Winning Sports Nutrition Brand
  • #1 Most Clinical Studies in Science
  • American Masters of Taste Gold Medal - Superior Taste
  • 20 Years of Excellence
  • Guaranteed Banned Substance Free
  • cGMP Manufactured - Manufactured according to cGMP Standards, as is Required for All Dietary Supplements
The PHASE8 Advantage
Ingredient PHASE8 Competitor #1 Competitor #2
Protein 26 g 22 g 21 g
Protein Sources All high quality milk-derived proteins Milk-derived proteins and egg protein Milk-derived proteins
Carbs 8 g up to 15 g 9 g
Fat 1.5 g Up to 6 g 2.5 g

If you're serious about performance and results, you need the All-New MuscleTech Performance Series!

  • No Proprietary Blends
  • No Fillers
  • No Underdosed Key Ingredients
  • No Hype
  • No Banned Substances
  • No Exceptions
Just the Most Powerful Formulas Available

The Complete Sustained-Release 8-Hour Protein Formula

PHASE8 is designed to do one thing - feed your muscles the highest quality blend of protein available. Each serving of PHASE8 delivers a 26-gram blend of proteins taken from multiple sources with variable digestion rates. The multiple release rates of amino acids feed your muscles for 8 hours - that's a prolonged delivery of key musclebuilding blocks, making PHASE8 the perfect protein for any time of the day or night. What's more, the 26-gram blend of proteins in each serving of PHASE8 delivers an incredible 5.6 grams of naturally occurring BCAAs and 5 grams of naturally occurring glutamine.

髮旺旺8-Hour Sustained-Release Protein Absorption床的世界

The main protein component in PHASE8 has the unique ability to release amino acids in your bloodstr床的世界eam for 8 hours after taking it.1 Because of these sustained-release properties it's a highly anabolic and anti-catabolic protein that helps create a musclebuilding environment for longer periods of time.

無痕褲髮旺旺7 High-Quality Protein Sources

Overall, PHASE8 contains protein sources designed to digest at different rates - putting your body in the perfect state for repair and recovery

Biological Value of Protein Sources

The PHASE8 Advantage
Protein BV PHASE8
97% Whey Protein Isolate 104
Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate 104
Whey Protein Isolate 104
Whey Protein Concentrate 104
Milk Protein Isolate 91
Calcium Caseinate 77
Micellar Casein 77
Soy Protein 74 X
Brown Rice 70 X

Other multi-phase protein formulas contain protein derived from plant sources, such as brown rice or even soy, and are often loaded with fat and carbs. PHASE8 contains high quality milk-derived protein and has half the fat and carbs of the leading competitor.

PHASE8 Multi-Phase Protein Delivery Digestion Rates

Protein Blend in PHASE8 Super Fast |





8 HRS!
Super Slow
Best-In-Class Taste

PHASE8 was flavored by one of the world's top flavoring houses by prot髮旺旺ein flavoring experts in order to taste better than any other protein on the market.

Take Anytime: Morning, Pre- and Post-Workout and at Night

PHASE8 contains a unique blend of proteins that allows you to take it whenever you need it. The multi-phase protein delivery supplies the needed quick release of amino acids for post-workout amino acid delivery supplies the needed quick release of amino acids for post-workout amino acid delivery, the medium release protein phase for between meals and the slow-digesting protein phase for night time use - making PHASE8 the perfect choice for any situation.

? MuscleTech is America's #1 Selling Bodybuilding Supplement Brand based on cumulative wholesale dollar sales 2001 to present.

1. Lacroix et al., 2006. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 84:1070-9.

Muscletech, Performance Series, Phase8, Multi-Phase 8-Hour Protein, Cookies and Cream, 4.60 lbs (2.09 kg)





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