食品,百貨早餐穀類-Kashi, 黑可可噶穀類,16.1盎司(456克)
或許大家都聽過Kashi, 黑可可噶穀類,16.1盎司(456克),但印象中Kashi, 黑可可噶穀類,16.1盎司(456克)平時是不打折的,但是今天告訴你買Kashi, 黑可可噶穀類,16.1盎司(456克)到這裡買,可以使用折價券買Kashi, 黑可可噶穀類,16.1盎司(456克),而且宅配到府完全不用搬Kashi, 黑可可噶穀類,16.1盎司(456克),真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!

如果你還在考慮Kashi, 黑可可噶穀類,16.1盎司(456克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Made with Traditional Wheat
- Shredded Wheat Biscuits with Cocoa & Cinnamon
- Non GMO Project Verified
- Transitional Certified by QAI
- Fair Trade Certified Cocoa
- 6 g Fiber 無痕褲
- 46 g Whole Grains Per Serving
- Eat 48 g or More of Whole Grains Daily
This cereal is not organic.
But hang on. That's the point.
The truth is, less than 1% of farmland in the US is certified organic and transitioning conventional farmland to organic is difficult. Farmers like Newton often want to do it but they have to implement more costly methods for at least three years to become certified. And while that's good for all of us, it means farmers don't see髮旺旺 a return on their investment immediately, and they may be less motivated to make the change.
So, let's do something about it. The Kashi Transitional farms initiative was created so together we can help farmers like Newton transition their farmland. During Newton's three year conversion process, we're buying some of his transitional grains—which are certified by Quality Assurance International to ensure they are grown using sustainable practices that avoid genetically modified seed and synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. And we use them to make this cereal.
Our hope is to convert more acreage every year—which is why our Certified Transitional cereals will always be made with transitional grains. The more we all become aware, the more farmers we can help to make a difference together. Thanks for joining us.
Kashi, 黑可可噶穀類,16.1盎司(456克)
